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MACK is a book about kissing.
28 pages
5.5x7 in.
Raptor publishes original anthologies of poetry, fiction, and essays under the chapbook series Headspace. Starting with MACK, every issue in the Headspace series will feature exclusively writers and artists of color, with special attention to queer folks, however they identify within the queer field.
I solicit artists and authors worldwide, create submission schedules and deadlines, and edit all accepted pieces for content and style. All design is done in-house, and each piece is hand cut, painted, printed, and bound. Books in the Headspace series are set in Abadi MT Condensed Light. MACK's first edition has a run of just 100 copies, and each issue is numbered.
A big part of Raptor is making sure artists get paid for their work. After production costs are recouped, proceeds from book sales are split amongst contributors and Raptor Editing (so we can make more books), so every piece bought brings support to art and artists across the globe.
The creation of this chapbook was inspired by Nicole Sealey’s miracle of a poem "Virginia is for Lovers" which was published in American Poetry Review vol. 45 issue no. 5. It can also be found in her chapbook, The Animal After Whom Other Animals Are Named.
Designer/Editor: Tara Jayakar
Laser Cutting: David Choi | Fat Cat FAB LAB
Authors: Kortney Morrow
Sreshtha Sen | The Shoreline Review
Bonnie Chau
Onyinye Ukegbu
Cody Ross Romero | Hurricane Butterfly
Rowana Abbensetts | Spoken Black Girl